maandag 4 januari 2010


Today, today being writing date not publishing date, is December 30th… These days, it is practically impossible to escape a few cliché announcements per day so being a good citizen, I'll contribute some!

Hear this: As the year 2009 comes to an end, a new phase in my life begins. I seem to make a tradition out of it. Early 2008 I set out for Madrid and early 2009 I started my travels throughout South-America. Can’t really recall what I was doing beginning of 2007, so I guess it wasn’t as exciting.

Adding my share to the end-of-year-list-making, I’ve been thinking today about both years and which one I had liked best. Hard to say as they had so much in common and yet they were so different at the same time.


  • My mom drove me to the airport
  • I spoke a lot of Spanish
  • I worked my ass off in the Carribean Project
  • I met tons of fun and interesting people, mostly either local people or colleagues. Argentineans, Dominicans, Salvadorian, Panamanian, Polish, Mexican, Puerto Ricans, Spanish and I’m probably leaving out a few.
  • I traveled a lot. Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Cuba are new names on my list. Dominicana being a winner on this list.


  • My mom drove me to the airport
  • I spoke a lot of Spanish
  • I spoke a lot of English
  • I didn’t work a single day on my travel, between February and September. (not including volunteer work, since not getting paid kinda kicks the work part out of volunteer work for me)
  • I met tons of interesting people, mostly locals or fellow travelers. English, Irish, French, Dutch, Belgian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Panamanian, Argentinean, Chilean, Peruvian, Bolivian, Brazilian, Colombian, Ecuadorian, half of the Israeli population, Chinese, Japanese, Australian, New Zealander, Mexican and I know I am leaving out a bunch. No better ambassador for a country as a backpacker.
  • I traveled a lot. Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Brasil are new names on my list. Couldn’t really announce a winner country here.

I could say that both years were very amazing and that it is too hard to decide, but that would be a lousy end-of-year-list. Especially since it already is kinda lousy with only 2 items on the list.

Best year of my life so far: 2009. Some Catholic guilt comes along as I was very, very, very little productive but then again… I had so, so,so much fun. Every day I woke up without knowing what the day had in store and usually it was beautiful and hilarious adventures.

Although largest part of it remains still undiscovered, my world turned 20 times as small as it was when I left home 2 years ago.

In one year, I lost 4 years of age i.o. aging one like normal people, making me now, ehm…. a 22 year old again, which is awesome!! Bring on the good times! I'm blogging again!