zondag 28 september 2008

last days in Puerto Rico...

Yes my dear readers.... My days in Puerto Rico have already come to an end...

On one of my last lunches, my colleagues took my out to get some typical Puerto Rican food: That is, we went to a hamburger place where you could choose the amount of meat you want: 1/3 pound, 1/2 pound, 2/3 pound or a pound. I went for 1/3 (hey believe me, it's already big...) most went for 1/2 pound and 1 brave chilene guy went for 2/3 pound of meat.

I made a little before/after video shoot. Gregorio was very brave, took it step by step, piece by piece, first went fully for the meat and only finished his fries afterwards. RESPECT!

After that, we went for ice cream! At this place they actally 'prepared" you your ice cream in a whole process, adding I don't know which kind of flavours and goodies. Anyway, a popular venue, I made a video but it's a bit long(!!) to put on here. I once again ordered the smallest possible but had to throw half of it away!!! And believe me, this hurt since it was really good and we all know I'm quite the ice cream girl...

Before I get some hate mail sent over, this is not really the typical Puerto Rican food which is actually really good. It just kinda illustrates the amount of fast food you can find here and it was just a very funny lunch we had.

During the last weeks I hadn't been feeling very well and unfortunately, last weekend the illness completely kicked in! I got a very high fever, my roomie got scared when he saw how terrible I looked (yes, thank you) and took me to the hospital. After a - "you don't have a social security number? Ok, that's $300 in advance"- i got to see my first doctor and after her many followed as I had an explainable fever. Anyway, I spent the night, it wasn't extremely funny so I'll spare you the details but it kept me from making any interesting trips lately so I'll just give you some pictures that I have been made over the last weeks. For me all of them are very funny. Maybe some of them are of the "you should have been there" type but in that case I put them here just for the people who "have been there" with me!

Ok, maybe not the funniest to start with.... Me in the hospital, No worries, it's not that people were mocking me, I just had a lucid moment and we were making fun of the situation.

In every parking lot there's a guy or a woman, sitting like a bird in a cage to watch our dear vehicles...

Every day we would pass this sign: Zona de Prueba (Test Zone). To me it only seemed as a forest we would drive by, but then again, you never know...

Remember me complaining about stupid signs.? This ons actually tells me no to pie in our swimming pool as it's unhealthy. And not only for me but also for others!
Next to our home... Even though I'm a bingo-fan, I never got there...
The soda machine at work. Has been broken since I got here and never got fixed: Messages are:

*09/03/08 12:40 $1,00 Luis D Rama - Supervisor 383-4967
*09/03/08 9:40 $0,75 Mista Claudio - Guardia
* Me debes un dolar (you owe me a dollar)
Little ice cream umbrella I planted in our car. The security guards at work recognized us by it so we wouldn't have to stop to do the obligatory dumb entrance paper work.

The 100 different tastes of orange juice. Going from "no pulp", to "some pulp" to a "little pulp" to a "lot of pulp" to Vitamine D added, Vitamine E added, Vitamine K added, Light, and , yes, Natural!

Yes! We had an FM - 200 extinguishing system at work!! Talk about feeling safe..

And this is what it looks like...
And we also has a chewing gum machine!

And a huge fan in the hallway...

The door that was supposed to be always closed but that then again was on our shortest path to the coffee machine...

Police parking on a no-parking sign

Today was my last day in Isla Verde, so I decided to make the most out of my beautifully situated appartment and we organised a BBQ for some of the colleagues. Lovely day, good food, first day actually I was feeling better after a week of lying in bed. My colleagues in Puerto Rico were actually really good fun. As In Santo Domingo it's quite a mixed group. Spain, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Chili and well Belgium :)

Next post will be from Santo Domingo as tomorrow I'm flying back to La Jungla! And I'm actually very excited to go back!

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