donderdag 14 mei 2009

The longer I travel, the more difficult it gets to keep on blogging. In between skype, mail and facebook, my blog is in terrible conditions. Adding that I realized I had already spent 2.5 months in Patagonia and that I needed to move my ass up north to keep it from freezing.I´ll telex you guys through my last months...

In Bariloche I met Ruben, one of my and together we went to mendoza for some decent wine-tasting We rented bikes from Mr Hugo and biked from bodega to bodega which was euhmm... interesting.

From Mendoza we traveled through the Andes, to Chile again. On the way we found a small village where apparently ¨7 years in Tibet¨ was shot! Looking for some decent Brad Pitt gossip we made a stop but the villagers just refer to him as ¨one of them¨. Our taxi driver figured as an extra in the movie.

We passed the Aconcagua, one of the world´s highest mountains. Two ways to Chile before us. The traditional one, through a tunnel, or a cooler one over a mountain pass. This sign (high mountain road, extreme precautions) makes most people go for the tunnel but we met some cool Argentineans who were willing to take us over the pass. They sure know how to complicate things in border crossings cause in the end this passing to Chile was my worst one so far, involving a forgotten package of coca leaves in my bag (ellenadaaaaa, Chile is stricter than the US) , no exit stamp from Argentina and an unfriendly Chilean customs officer. Barely escaped a 200 dollar fine but we made it to Valparaiso, hereby declared my favourite latin city so far. Amazing vibe, lots of coloured wall paintings, tons of beautiful bars and restaurants. Pablo Neruda loved it and so did we. At the same time, the city got the award for most kitchy public toilet.

From Valparaiso, we made a short stop in Vicuña. Chile has the world´s best skies for astronomy, so we went to visit one of the observatories.

From there we went on to San Pedro de Atacama, famous for its huuuge salt flat. The town wasn´t really my thing, way to touristy. It´s difficult to go visit the surroundings on your own, so we were kinda forced to go tour-wise! On the list of places to visit: The Tatio Geysers.
We weren´t blown away by them and the worst was that we needed to get up at 3 AM to sit in a bus for 3 hours to get to a place at over 4000 metres at -10 degrees. Adding the fact that I had left my only fleece sweater on a bus (otra ellenada) my lips just turned blue.
Next to check of our list were some lagunes in the salt flat. One of them has a salt level higher then the dead sea which ment some serious floating fun!
The last spot we visited was a lagoon covered in a salt crust where we could shoot some of the best pictures so far on

From San pEdro we bussed to Iquique, very North of Chile. I went surfing for a day only to discover that I still don´t have a lot of balance. No, I wasn´t as bas as I thought I´d be. But 1 day is not enough to learn. Besides, Iquique is one of the best places in the world to go parapenting. As you have a pilot who does everything for you, this was more my style, haha.

3 opmerkingen:

Schmam zei

Did you have matching mascara to put on with your blue lips?

Have fun Schmellen, and see ya soon!

Karen zei

Love the ellenadas!
hihi, coca-bladen :-)

Diego Garcia del rio zei

que lindo viajeeee!!!!