dinsdag 26 augustus 2008
zondag 24 augustus 2008
La isla del encanto
Saturday was my birthday. I was a bit sad that I couldn't celebrate it in Santo Domingo where I already had a social life but in the end I did have a great party though!! My fabulous and amazing friends threw me a party in Hasselt, and even constructed a surrogate ellen to join them! I got the pictures on the morning of my carribean birthday. I think I could be heard laughing throughout the hotel and they really cheered up my entire day! That also includes all the phone calls, emails and messages I got form everyone! It's nice to know I haven't been forgotten after 7 months of absence.
zondag 17 augustus 2008
Last days in Santo Domingo....
dinsdag 5 augustus 2008
Jarabacoa and learning to drive again
After, we went horse back riding. The last time I did it was a few years ago in Honduras and I didn't fall of back then so I felt quite secure I wouldn't now either. Normally, a little kid goes with you, sitting behind you, but I told them I knew very well how to drive this baby, named Caramelo around.
Back to the city then. At last, I got over my fear to drive in Santo Domingo and the company finally gave me a car. I already had to give it back, but ok. During my one week drive, I think I've become more Dominican then ever! My dominican friends are even proud of me. Honking is simply a way of communication, I'm constantly insulting the crazy taxi drivers and I even ignore the red lights every now and then. The general belief that we drive on the right and pass the others on the left hasn't gotten to this side of the world yet either. Motorcycles usually don't have lights. The most difficult however, are the big crosspoints, even if you just want to drive straight forward. Imagine a road with 3 driving lanes. 100 meters before the crosspoints, the white lines will dissapear and the road might become a bit wider, resulting in a complete chaos. Everyone is out of lane and honking at each other. At least 5 or 6 cars fit closely together now. Now the battle starts not to have a guy cleaning your front window. They are really sneaky and will just throw the spunge on your window, sometimes from behind. The best, but less appreciated solution, is to turn on your window cleaners. Most traffic lights have a counter, so 5 seconds before the light turns green again, the circus begins. After the crosspoint, logically, everyone needs to fit again into 3 traffic lanes. A clean example of Darwin's theory on survival of the fittest. The survivors, definitely are the guaguas, these are mini vans which always surprise me by the mere fact they are still driving. Next are the taxi's. Same thing just smaller then the guaguas which puts them in second place. Next are the SUV's, me in this case, followed by the carro's, the smaller cars. Ofcourse, this ranking depends of the driver and his nerves as well. Over the week I've gotten quite good at it. But it does sometimes feel like a huge video game, avoiding obstacles (and children are double points, I always say).
vrijdag 1 augustus 2008
Laguna Oviedo
Ik denk dat ik er nog eens eentje in het Nederlands doe, want veel oefenen kan ik hier niet. Ik probeer het af en toe met mijn collega's maar ze zeggen altijd dat ik boos klink in het Nederlands. Jullie merken misschien dat mijn posts in tegenstelling tot Madrid meer foto's en minder tekst bevatten. Twee redenen: Uno: het is hier gewoonweg mooier en ik maak meer foto's. Dos: Ik heb echt amper tijd om te schrijven. Ik werk belachelijke uren door de week en in het weekend ben ik meestal weg. Alleszins, ik hoop dat het nog wat entertainend blijft voor iedereen.
Het was zo warm dat we nog even naar het strand wilden voor weer naar de hoofdstad moesten. Onze gids van op de laguna had daar ook wel zin in, en die hebben we dan maar meegenomen. Hij kende iemand in de buurt die zich over de zeeschildpaddeneieren ontfermde. Nadat mama schildpad haar eieren liefdevol in het zand heeft begraven, haalt hij ze eruit omdat ze anders worden gestolen. Tsja, ik had al gezegd dat we dicht bij de grens zaten... Alleszins, hij houdt ze bij in een soort frigoboxen en als ze uitkomen laat hij ze vrij. Immens schattig! Hij vertelde ons dat er die nacht mama schildpadden gingen komen. Die beesten zijn blijkbaar immens goed getimed want hij weet de exacte dag dat ze komen. Nu, ik had enorm veel zin om ernaar te gaan kijken, maar het dwingende oog van mijn project manager...